ALS – Tracheostomy complication

ALS Capnography
ALS Capnography

Mr Harry Smith is a 64 year old gentleman who after an infective exacerbation of COPD in Intensive Care had a failed extubation and ended up with a percutaneous tracheostomy. ICU nurse starts her safety checks in the morning when the patient starts to desaturate (83%) and the capnography shows the following graph below. Which of the statements is/are correct?:

A. A reduction in cardiac output for a given ventilation, decreases the End-Tidal CO2 (ETCO2): TRUE/FALSE.

B. Partial airway obstruction rapidly causes cardiac arrest: TRUE/FALSE.

C. ETCO2 deterctors are the most reliable method for verification of tracheal tube position: TRUE/FALSE.

D. The capnography shown represents an airway obstruction: TRUE/FALSE.

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